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Harry Sokal Groove Unlimited – The New Power Trio
of the Austrian Saxophone Giant renowned saxophonist Harry Sokal, long part of the international Who's Who of jazz, presents his new power trio. 


Together with two outstanding musicians, Jojo Lackner on bass and Herbert Pirker on drums, he promises a musical firework on the path to the infinite horizons of new soundscapes with this trio. Known for his groundbreaking trio projects, he has launched a new jazz formation with Groove Unlimited that continues his talent for time-feeling while celebrating complex structures in his improvisations.

Jojo Lackner skillfully places precise basslines with his impressive technique, lending the trio an incomparably electrifying groove. Herbert Pirker, a sought-after drummer, brings ecstatic, trance-like rhythms to the trio with his dynamic and technically perfect playing, as Harry Sokal emphasizes.

Groove Unlimited stands for pulsating performances that masterfully combine elements of funk, rock, and fusion. Harry Sokal knows how to catapult the trio on a shared, boundless musical journey with his energetic playing style and virtuosity, reminiscent of Coltrane, Rollins, or Shorter, often surprising even himself.




Werner Wurm
Booking and Management 

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